Wednesday, March 25, 2020

First Secondary Learners Linguistics Needs

Possible Title Since there are various linguistic needs that students require to satisfy especially at early academic lives, the envisioned research could be based on a title that focuses on analyzing linguistic need of first secondary learners in general English Syllabus. However, it is evident that such different academic personnel such as teachers, head of departments, and administrators could have diverse perspectives concerning these needs. As a result, the envisioned research could seek to investigate on mentioned needs form students’ perspective.Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on First Secondary Learners’ Linguistics Needs specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Introduction Understanding linguistic needs of first secondary learners is one of the most fundamentally vital steps which are essential to developing a self-sustaining English curriculum. Whereas many authors have focused on such needs fro m teachers’ perspectives, it is essentially important to understand students’ perception towards their needs. In that regard, since the inquiry focuses on the students, it could provide a better solution than the latter bearing in mind that students are the main actors. This implies that they understand their challenges in a better manner than any other personnel who purports to identify and satisfy these needs. Background Rationale The four fundamental skills of linguistics in general English, which include speaking, learning, reading, and writing, form the basic foundation which determines the progress as well as ultimate success of a student. Additionally, acquisition of these skills at the preliminary levels of secondary school is the surest way of molding students’ proficiency in English. Otherwise, determining the needs of students who are at higher levels of the curriculum could not reflect a progressive development of linguistic proficiency. As a result, focusing on the first secondary students is a better option since the nurturing of students capabilities should start from the base. Literature Review There are various types of methods that are used in need analysis which include use of existent data, attitude survey, key informant and holding group sessions. When using existent data, researchers refer to previous reports that discuss preference of the community in order to determine what they could need. Attitude survey involves questioning selected population to identify their needs. The envisioned research will use this approach when seeking to identify the linguistic requirement of first secondary students. When using key informant, the researcher obtains information from a selected person who has interacted target population (Needs Assessment for continuing education activity 4). In group sessions, researchers hold group with the target gropus in order to identify what they require.Advertising Looking for proposal on edu cation? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Need analysis has critical importance that underpins the appropriateness of its application in English and other fields of education. In this regard, it enables academicians to identify essential English skills that students require thus enabling them to instill necessary skills only (Needs Assessment for continuing education activity 4). Failure to conduct such analyses could lead to teaching skills that students do not require. This results to wastage of resources and time since the instilled skills are not correspondent to the student requirement. Additionally, avoiding need analysis could result to lack of proficiency in skills such as reading, writing and speaking English. In regard to the Saudi Arabian context, there should be a thorough need analysis on how various skills of learning English are instilled. Bearing in mind that English is not the native language in Saudi Arabia, analyzi ng the needs of students in regard to learning that language is essentially crucial. Importantly, there is a higher reluctance to acquisition of reading skills in English. This implies that analysis of reading needs should be conducted profoundly so as to attain effectiveness in learning the language (Teale, 702). Objectives of Envisioned Research To critically review the existing literature on the acquisition various linguistic skills which include writing, reading, speaking English. To collect data from first secondary students concerning their perceptions towards acquisition of the three skills. To analyze the collected data in order to draw relevant conclusions and make recommendations about improving proficiency in English. To create suggest the possible areas for future research incorporating issues that cannot be investigated currently. Research Questions What are the students’ perceptions concerning reasons as to why they should learn English and attain proficiency ? What academic value do students attach to attaining the skills of reading, writing, learning and speaking English? Given that the four skills have some sub-skills, what are students’ opinions regarding attainment of those sub-techniques? How do students perceive various challenges and difficulties they face when learning the four skills? What are the students’ opinions about how the current text book, known as Flying High for S.A Students Book, satisfies the four needs? Methodology and Data Collection Research Method The envisioned research will adopt a descriptive survey method in light of collecting data. This method will play a crucial role in ascertaining the respondents’ perspectives by answering questions posed by the researcher (Schram, 231). It will thus help in obtaining first hand information concerning the opinions of students towards their needs in learning English. As a result, using research survey increases validity, reliability, and credibilit y of research considering that information is obtained directly from sample population. Type of Data Since the survey will collect opinions on students’ needs, the collected data will be qualitative rather than quantitative data. This implies that the entire research study will adopt a qualitative approach in other areas such as analysis and representation. Participants Essentially, the target population includes the first secondary students taking English in the curriculum. However, the entire population will not be included in the research survey owing to limited resources and time. As a result, sampling will be conducted in order to select a part of the population which will take part. During sampling, participant will be selected using a method known as random purposive technique which incorporates both the aspect of randomization and purposeful selection. Randomization ensures that the researcher does not obtain some desirable results that fit personal preferences rather than depicting the true opinions (Stein and Monika, 270). On the other hand, purposefulness ensures that sample population has the relevant information about the research topic. This further increases the reliability and credibility of results which will be obtained in this research.Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on First Secondary Learners’ Linguistics Needs specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Questionnaires Since this research follows a descriptive survey, questionnaires will be used to pose questions to respondents. These questionnaires will include both open and closed questions which are arranged in logical order. Open questions ensure that respondents give expansive information on an inquiry while closed ones limits respondents when researcher needs straight forward answer (Schram, 202). Additionally, these questionnaires will be flexible to allow addition of more themes that could arise during data collection or removal of irrelevant questions. Analysis Each questionnaire will be analyzed separately so as to identify perception of each individual. This will ensure that opinions of every respondent are regarded as worthy inputs that can be used to make generalized conclusions. Additionally, analysis will be conducted alongside and after data collection. Simultaneous analysis and collection ensures that researcher can identify new themes that can be included in the questionnaires. On the other hand, post-collection analysis allows harmonization of analyzed data to make conclusions. Time Schedule Time Range Activity Week: 1-3 Detailed Literature Review Week: 3-7 Sampling of Population Week: 7-13 Data Collection Week: 13-17 Data Analysis Week: 17-21 Interpretation, Documentation and Reporting Works Cited â€Å"Needs Assessment for Continuing Education Activity.† Advances in Skin Wound Care 14.1 (2008): 4. Print. Schram, Thomas. Conceptualizing and Proposin g Qualitative research. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall, 2006. Print. Stein, Heide, and Monika Springer. â€Å"Comparison of Two Sampling Methods for Biomonitoring Using Aquatic Macroinvertebrates in the Dos Novillos River, Costa Rica.† Ecological Engineering 34.4 (2008): 267-275. Print. Teale, William. â€Å"Students Learning English and Literacy Instruction in Urban Schools.† The Reading Teacher 62.8 (2009): 699-703. Print.Advertising Looking for proposal on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This proposal on First Secondary Learners’ Linguistics Needs was written and submitted by user Terrell Huber to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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